Fighter Cries is a diverse team of volunteers that are lead by our “Mama Bear, CEO” who has a heart of gold and the social worker certificates with criminal justice education to back it all up. She’s our go to decision maker for everything.
Mama Bear CEO went to bat for my son, Leonidas, and when she told me why she was going into the industry to help make changes, I was shocked how broken the system is to the core. Then the stories started streaming in everyday, all day, every hour, through the night, constantly at all hours day or night. It continues to this day for both Mama bear and myself. It is almost unbelievable, but true, there are so many reports it is not coincident.
Hi, my name is Alex, I follow Mama Bear’s orders. This is her dream, not mine. I just happened to be a victim of the broken system, just like you, and have the capabilities to make a difference. More on that topic later.