Winnebago County Court Embraces Child Abuse; Keeping Children from Veteran Father and First Responder.
To all-
You can continue to ignore all of my e-mails and letters (I have copies of the numerous e-mails each of you have ignored, showing your complete disrespect and disregard for your voting public). I am sure this goes to your trash folder. Narcissitic attitudes, for some of you, are unable to comprehend the damage your corrupt actions have caused so many people in your districts, your state, and this nation. Your lack of action is disgusting: “Evil will not destroy the world; those who witness evil and do nothing about it will destroy the world”. Not directed at each recipient, you know who you are.
I showed the corrupt court of Winnebago County, Oshkosh, Wisconsin (652 e-mails, 153 letters). My daughter has now given up and decided to live in the abusive home of her mother; “the courts don’t listen to me anyway dad and Tracy (her mother) says I don’t have any rights until I am 18, so I am just staying with her and submitting to her demands. Thanks for fighting for me, but I’m giving up.” Scott Woldt, David Schultz, and Brian Mares all should lose their license to practice law; but you do nothing. Scott Woldt, a judge, with the lowest approval rating, the highest overturned cases, and 13 reprimands, is above the law, above the Supreme Court. And, because I lived next to him for eight (8) years, I know secrets you have tried to “suppress”, as much as the judge suppressed evidence in my case. The Supreme Court in Wisconsin is the most corrupt, ineffective court in our land. Every justice should be ashamed of themselves.
DHS and CWS should be ashamed. They had/have ample documentation to prove the daughter should have been removed from the home immediately, but Ms. Van Hoof has a file cabinet full of excuses rather than doing her job(you have ignored my 5 previous e-mails). I guess when I served during Desert Storm, we should have just made excuses to not fight for the freedoms of another country and to preserve our freedoms? Of course, many of you turn your nose up at veterans anyway, so I should not be surprised. Wisconsin has shown the propensity to hate anything about veterans and those of us who served. It is not concerning 56% of the population leaves WI each year, never to return? Wisconsin is the top 5 in states losing more population than it receives, not including Aaron Rodgers, so the leftist attitude is working.
I will close to let you know; I will do everything in my legal power and capacity to ensure you answer, in future elections, why you neglected your state (remember, a fair election, you are elected by the people, not elected “just because you have always been there”). This is not a partisan issue either-this is an issue of you neglecting my, now 17 years old, daughter and thousands of other youth because you are more concerned with protecting your job, than doing it. Maybe if you take off your necktie and allow some oxygen to your brain, you might realize, doing the right thing is more difficult than doing the easy thing. You claim you do so much, toot your horn , and ask for votes. I will expose the damage caused by your lies and hypocrisy. Justice Roggensack comes up for reelection in 2023, and all of you in 2022, maybe earlier Governor. I am giving you an “olive branch” to get your excuses and lies ready because the truth will be heard. It has already been sent to seven (7) other states to be presented. You will need to answer why I have alarms, motion sensors, and proximity sensors installed around my home so should anyone approach, your presence is known 24 hours a day so I may protect my family from your nefarious, retaliatory threats I have received already. I was told, the judge, “he has you in his cross-hairs”, but Chief Roggensack and the rest of the government do not care; they are more concerned with their own police protection because of their inactions in elections.
The corruption of courts meant to protect citizens, corruption of government officials meant to serve the public, and agencies not presenting the truth are allowing evil to overcome this world- shame on you. THIS IS NOT A LEGAL MATTER– Look up Wisconsin Statute 767.41, 757.91. Your job is to review statues. And please explain why a 7 year old can choose the gender they prefer, but a 17 year old is denied living with her father (decorated veteran and first responder in health care); instead living with a mother who has a history of abusing minors (Ms. Van Hoof can explain that one)? Those statutes will provide a basis for the questions you will be asked to answer. Why a young girl, at 16 ½ years old, met all 16 stipulations to be placed with her father, but a Supreme Court, with 8 of 9 women on the court, allowed a corrupt judge to ignore this statute, and CWS cleared a home that had been turned in three (3) times and was termed, in court, as “deplorable”? A recorded phone call even stated the home was “unlivable”, but CWS just “wrote it off”. Ms. Van Hoof and her staff walk away with their paychecks, any broadcast promoting CWS and the “good” you do for the community with be answered with the attached phone recording AND picture. Is it any wonder, in 2017, 3 children died that were placed back in an abusive home that CWS neglected? Of course CPS answered, “that is unfair, that was only 3.”-Meng, social worker, Winnebago County DHS. Be ready to answer for neglecting your job to oversee that agency, Governor Evers.
Chief Justice Roggensack will need to explain 757.91, and why a judge with 13 reprimands, 2 recommendations from the Judicial Commission to be suspended (although ignoring the 106 page complaint filed in August 2020), and a violation so egregious that he should have been immediately, by law, disbarred. Why she “let it slide”; and she should be reelected why? “The more you look to the past, you more you can see into the future”-Winston Churchill. What was the accepted rate-because my $51,000 in a legal fight was not enough to overcome the corruption in this state, in the court, and the government. Everything in my legal and ethical power (which I know is a foreign concept to all of you-you can look up the definitions by yourself) to make sure you answer for your inactions, your hypocrisy, and your lies. Incidentally, Yale Law Review-a more prestigious law review than you read, stated, in 2019, there were 2.5 million bribes accepted by judges (well, 2.5 million that they could confirm. That is over 1300 bribes accepted by every judge in the country.) And you want bigger courts why? And the Wisconsin Supreme court wants 16 year terms? You have failed to do your job now, why would a longer term be deserved?
Justice Roggensack, and others, explain to your kids why you neglected this child? Why you let her stay in an abusive home and did nothing, but your children are supposed to trust you have their best interests? Or your nanny has their best interests? Ms. Van Hoof? Any response? No, you haven’t responded. I guess you get to sleep comfortably at night, not hearing the cries of this young girl. Let it seep in very deep. She cried out for help and you were too arrogant to do the damn job you were assigned. As you look at her, you have your picture of your failure as an administrator, judge, Governor, representative, or person. As you neglected my daughter, you forgot one thing; she’s a veteran’s daughter: My daddy risked his life to protect complete strangers, what do you think he would do to protect me? I guess you are finding out.
“When a CPS report is made, the county child welfare agency must determine if the alleged abuse warrants CPS intervention and if there is a preponderance of evidence to support substantiation of the alleged abuser as a maltreater.”
“Child Abuse is legally defined as:
· A physical injury which is inflicted by other than accidental means on a child by another person.
· Sexual Abuse, including both sexual assault and sexual exploitation (forced “spooning” on the couch with the mother)
· Willful cruelty or unjustifiable punishment of a child (telling her she wishes she had a better daughter, getting other members of family or community to put down the daughter)
· Cruel or inhuman corporal punishment or injury (blocking her from exiting the home)
· Neglect, including both severe and general neglect” (31 strange men’s homes forced to stay with mother as she satisfied her sexual desires)
Indicators of neglect:
· Child lacking adequate medical or dental care
· Child is always sleepy or hungry (gave protein bars to her because mother always neglects to provide adequate meals for her)
· Child is always dirty or inadequately dressed for weather conditions
· There is evidence of poor supervision (gun shots heard and numerous cried from daughter, mother never responded, downstairs with different men)
· Conditions in the home are extremely or persistently unsafe or unsanitary (termed “deplorable” by court and “unlivable” by GAL)
Indicators of sexual abuse:
· Child reports sexual activities (she admitted to you she had caught her mother in various forms of sexual activity with different men)
· Detailed and age-inappropriate understanding of sexual behavior (especially by younger children)
· Child wears torn, stained, or bloody underclothing
· Child is victim of other forms of abuse
With my complete disgust and disrespect submitted,
Geoff Smith
Documents and 106 pages of evidentiary findings are kept in numerous locations and copies sent throughout to be published if misfortune falls upon this author
Judge and Guardian ad Litem helped the mother neglect and abuse the girls
Here’s the reality: I have spent $45,000.00. Written and mailed 147 letters, e-mailed over 500 addresses, and I will keep fighting for my daughter. Now, social media is my only hope. Over a year ago, I gave a guardian ad litem, David Schultz, appointed by Judge Scott Woldt, 28 photographs, 5 videos of abuse, and a court signed an order stating that the mother was restrained from ever having contact with another minor she emotionally and verbally abused (she is currently a fourth-grade teacher in Oshkosh, Wisconsin teaching your kids).
There are over 60 pages of texts from my daughter documenting the abuse of her mother, and the direct testimony of my daughter telling of her abuse and how she wished to live with me. That was 14 months ago and the court is not relenting. I will not give up my fight.
Now, it has become known, that Attorney David Schultz was the first employer of Judge Scott Woldt, as an attorney in 1987. For four (4) years, he worked for David Schultz. When Schultz appointed the guardian ad litem for my daughter, Judge Woldt ignored and rejected his recommendations six (6) times.
Judge Woldt stripped the Commissioner of any ruling authority and ignored Wisconsin Statutory law. Judge Woldt and I know of each other. I lived four (4) houses away from Judge Woldt during the time he had an affair with his (ex) wife and left his family. I knew both of his daughters and the (ex) wife. Judge Woldt knew of this but refused to recuse himself from the case. When he left his family, his daughter said she didn’t want to speak to him because of what he did.

Judge Woldt said, “I won’t pay for your college then and you’re just a spoiled brat”.
In April 2020, Judge Woldt ruled on a contempt case because the daughter wanted to live with me so badly, she said she’d rather be arrested than go back to her mother’s house.
Judge Woldt ordered her back or put me in jail and he said, “she is a spoiled brat”. His abusive behavior continued, even threatening me that he would rule against me no matter what.
Attorney David Schultz met with the mother three (3) times, over 3 hours, three weeks before the final trial. He never met with the mother when my daughter was there, his “ward” whom he was supposed to represent.
He was recorded saying “I can’t understand how anyone can live in that clutter”, he further went on saying he drafted a letter telling the mother what she needed to do to “win favor in court”.
He illegally offered legal advice to the mother and never told anyone of these meetings (they were on his final bill). He met with the mother and then changed his recommendation and suppressed the condition of the house.
The corrupt actions of the guardian ad litem and judge are being investigated. Suspensions and firings are still being considered. However, my case is still being fought because the mother is appealing to every order that the commissioner decided in October 2020.
Think of this: I am responsible for insurance for the MINOR children-this is printed in the divorce decree of 2007. It states if my is policy is better coverage and less expensive, I must cover the insurance. In Wisconsin, the difference from a single to a family policy is paid by the man to the woman if she covers the insurance, but if the man covers, the woman does not have to pay the price difference. In this case, the mother wants $128.00 a month AND wants the 19 ½-year-old sons covered. The son has refused to speak to me for over 6 months and threatened to sue me for an inheritance that is his, from my deceased parents, when he turns 26. He wanted to sue to get the money immediately and he is 19 ½ years old-not a MINOR child. My coverage far exceeds the mother’s coverage as well.

The mother wants this before the judge again (she is going to try and get Woldt again since he is best friends with her attorney and hates me).
Her argument is that her policy is better because she will cover the son and I do not want to since the lawsuit threat and no contact. . It does not matter that Judge Woldt signed the divorce ORDER in 2007 for MINOR children and better/less expensive insurance goes to my responsibility, which I want to cover.
People: if the court can reconsider this signed order; then the recommendation the judge ignored when the guardian ad litem said my daughter should be placed with me, (transcript 2020), should be reconsidered. In fact, every case that Judge Scott Woldt has ruled on since 2007 should be able to be reopened and reconsidered. He signed a direct order the court is considering going back on their word; their own printed order. Get your cases ready- the court should have to review your case if they change the rules of the signed order and make me pay the mother to carry insurance.
The guardian ad litem, David Schultz, met privately with and then sided with the mother, against the daughter he was appointed to defend. In a recorded phone call, he belligerently told the 16 ½-year-old girls,
“Well, you don’t always get what you want. It’s up to the judge.”
A judge who rejected the guardian ad litem six (6) times and then the GAL says,
“It’s up to the judge. They voted for him and he has all the power.”
The GAL said he has stood before the judge for years, not getting any consideration for his wards. And we are to believe he is not involved in any corruption? Winnebago County does not care about child abuse! And the GAL wants $3,900 in total billing.
Judge Woldt is required to look at Wisconsin Statute 767.41, “The best interests of the child”. The second stipulation is “the desires of the minor child”, and all other 16 stipulations strongly support the daughter immediately being placed with the father. The one statute he WAS REQUIRED to look at, and would have placed my daughter with me, he CHOSE TO IGNORE. The GAL, before secretly meeting with the mother, made the recommendation to that fact. Judge Woldt, who has 2 daughters who do not wish to speak to him, ruled against it. JUDGE SCOTT WOLDT Ignored Statutory Law and ignored his OATH to rule with impartiality and justice.
A 16 ½-Year old girl has no right to live with the parent of her choice. AA desert storm veteran, a first responder in health care.
The judicial commission of Wisconsin says they cannot do anything:
They cannot make the Judge recuse himself. Senator Stroebel said he cannot do anything. Representative Gundrum said the judicial commission is the only agency that can help. The governor allows the Child and Families agency to be run with corruption and ignorance to the care of children, and CPS does nothing to protect the children. My daughter is still being subjected to abuse. She is still stuck in the very home she despises.
Child Welfare Services has inspected the house 3 separate times, but the social worker is a friend of the mother, and the home was described as “deplorable” and “unlivable” by the GAL before he changed sides. CWS told me,
“Well, she is 16, she should be able to get out of the house if she is being abused and run to a neighbor for help”.
“Child Welfare Services, who returned 3 children to their abusive homes in 2017 and the result ended in fatalities of the children.”
When questioned, the social worker said, “That’s unfair-that was only 3 children”. “
The Director of CWS, even WROTE to me, “the daughter’s age works against her”. She said they could take her out of the home if she was younger but she “obviously knows what she can and cannot safely eat”. So, people of Oshkosh- your children fall into the “Winnebago Gap”-
“If they are between the ages of 15-18; no one will help them! “
They are on their own. Of course, CWS will not give me the age when it “works against them” and they have not responded to further letters. Typical.
Social Worker Kelli Tabb, Winnebago Child Protective Services, cleared a home that was deemed “deplorable” and unlivable”. Of course, this was before the mother had paid the judge and GAL to “win favor in court”-this comment was caught on a recorded phone call of David Schultz. There were no signs of mice infestation, by Ms. Tabb, but after the inspection, four (4) dead mice were found by the daughter. One was in the washing machine in the mother’s basement.
“CPS interviewed the daughter who talked about being forced to “spoon” with the mother on the couch,“
being screamed at and called a “jerk” if she resisted, and being taken to over 26 men’s homes when the mother spent another night or weekend with her new boyfriend. Kelli Tabb said, “well, we are mostly concerned with the house at this time.”
Another social worker, Meng, asked if the daughter has a cell phone. When I said no, he said,
“well, she is 15 ½ (at that time), she should be able to get away from the mother and run to a neighbor for help.”
I hand-delivered 28 photographs of the mother’s house and these pictures were “lost” until I threatened to bring a sheriff to search their office. Ten minutes later, I received an e-mail, “good news, they were in Meng’s in-box. We have them.” A week later, I called to find out the status of the house. Kelli Tabb said, “we have a new policy here. We contacted her and are going to inspect the home this Friday. We now give a person three (3) days to clean up before we come.”
In the movie, Dante’s Peak, the story goes; if you put a frog into boiling water, it will jump out. But if that same frog is put in tepid water and is brought to a boil slowly, it will not recognize the danger and will eventually boil to death. It is not true, because the frog is smarter than the American people. We are boiling to death, not willing to respond to the threat or be aware of sinister threats that are starting to rise. If you want to act like an Ostrich, can I give you a piece of advice? The Ostrich always loses in the end. You can riot and put signs on your lawns of this matters or that matters. Or you can march and protest what is happening right in front of you; corrupt courts, CWS, CPS, all defunct and hurting youth, not helping them. It’s your choice.
This is all verifiable-court documents, e-mails, letters, and transcripts
If you have a complaint against Attorney David Schultz, 821 Witzel Avenue in Oshkosh Wisconsin, 54902 (920-233-3300), contact:
Office of Lawyer Regulation
Director, Keith Sellen
(608) 267-7274
(877) 315-6941
For complaints against Judge Scott Woldt, District II Family Court Judge, Oshkosh, WI, contact:
Wisconsin Judicial Commission Executive Director, recommending Scott Woldt be suspended –
Mr. Van Hecke
(608) 266-7637
110 E Main Street,
Suite Unit 700
Madison, WI 53703