REACHING MILLIONS | Story Support, Article Types, Useful Information & Links
I am excited to share that our pilot project known as Fighter Cries is working. The initial growth is more than solid, and the projections are solid too based on the rise in new story submissions.
Your stories have reach thousands of people, and your voices have been heard by millions throughout the respective pages we now Admin. Some of the posts have over a quarter million views each. It is not uncommon to see five and six figure post reaches, and all the pages/groups post several times a day, do the math.
In fact, some of the main Stories have been constantly viewed nearly all day every day. The stats are insane, and we now help manage multiple Groups/Pages as Admin.
View time on just one page the other day was over 3,255+ minutes in a matter of 3-4 hours. That is not social reach, or video reach/views, or meme views (that would all equal WAY, WAY more), that’s just the people reading the article/page for thousands of minutes, in a matter of hours, and it just keeps going Story after Story after Story.
Not only have your voices been heard locally and globally, but together we have made a real difference in the lives of many.
We have helped assist 14 individuals so far, and we started this a little over a month ago. Hats off to everyone who has shared a Story. The best part, half of those 14 were from Resources, and the other half Advocacy. We love seeing resources make a difference.
We are creating an Education Center for parents that will be full of resources, and we are going to invite everyone to join. There are some really good existing programs out there, and we want to help you find them, and help you learn a few extra tips along the way.
Share Your Story
Our Full Story Upload is for individuals who can complete a description of events or situation with a beginning, middle, and end with evidence review of the Finding of Facts.
The Shorty Story Upload is for those who just need to get it out, or would just simply like to write a poem or creative piece that expresses their feelings. We have options.