Article & Story FAQ

We share a wide variety  of content. There are several Post/Page types for you to choose from that are organized into categories.


Article Post & Story Types With More Details:


Full Stories with multiple images, evidence, links, video, audio, external links to crowdfunding, the works.

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Cold Cases

Cold Cases: We will happily publish all cold cases. There is not time limit or Statute of Limitation here.

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Short Stories

Short Stories that can be published anonymously (below are Short Story Listicle Headline Examples)

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Cases are individual stories that are escalated based on our ability to support you at a higher level. These are Stories that have substantial hard evidence, and can produce compelling stories. We may help with supporting articles that substantiate claims with fact snippets to take closer look.

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Good Foster Articles

Good Foster Articles: We would like to see good Foster articles in order to share what positive is being done in hope of perpetuating the process.

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Poems: Exactly what it says.


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Supporting Articles

Supporting articles support a Story with links back.


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Video Embed Articles

Video Embed Articles: Fast and easy articles that include one paragraph, names of Judges or CPS Caseworkers, or Police, and ship it with a YouTube video link or iFrame embed code that we will discuss.


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Exactly what it sounds like. News worth articles that are not breaking because it is not new information, but still newsworthy.


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Community Articles

Community Articles: Articles about a specific community.


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Event Pages

Event Pages are free to create. If an event is listed, that does not mean we are sponsoring said event. We will continue to help support all events dedicated to ending corruption. That being said, we do not sanction these events, nor are we responsible for said events, or the information on the event pages.


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Event Articles

Event Articles are supporting articles for events, that can have event ads, links, and fundraiser information.


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Job Listings

Simple and easy Job listings pages that have the potential to find the talent you’re looking for, as well as help boost the reach & SEO of existing staffing campaign efforts and or websites.


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Social Media Posting

We are looking for more qualified page Admin to schedule posts, respond to comment, and share posts.


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