My Son’s Silenced Outcry
Myself, my two kids, as well as my wife, have been victimized by Tarrant County Family Law.
My wife has lived under the same roof with my son since he was 14 months old and has been involved in every aspect of my daughters life since birth. A terrible injustice has happened to my wife and me, and worst of all, my 2 young children.
In fact, this has affected my entire family and everyone in our lives. My children are, as we speak, in the hands of the person that my son, has made multiple outcries against, their mother and their half-brother.
The definition of an outcry witness in the United States Law is the person who first hears an allegation of abuse made by a child or another victim of abuse or sexual crime. The witness is legally obligated to report the abuse and may be called upon during the trial proceedings. My son has now made outcries to 6 nurses, 3 separate visits, at 2 separate hospitals, 2 of those nurses being SANE (Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner) at Cook Children’s Hospital.
These include graphic details given by my son, and he made outcries for his little sister as well. He has also made outcries, of course, to my wife and me, various family members and friends, a supervisor appointed by Family Court Services, and a Play Therapist.
My poor children are caught up in the Tarrant County Family Law Court System where the judge and an amicus attorney continue to shut down any and all investigations that begin for my children, in the criminal sense, and handle every criminal situation in the family law system. This is basically keeping us prisoners in a system that continues to cover the abuse up with no recourse or ability to get anyone on the outside to look at this travesty.
To tell you how far this court system has reached to keep this case in silence, I am the parent that is on supervision; oh, it gets worse. My son was moved from the school (more importantly the teacher that he trusted) he was attending when this happened, he has been made to change play therapist, my son told the first supervisor unprompted that “mommy still hits me in the face” and the court got rid of her, we are on our 3rd supervisor now, it has been 9 months since I have been placed on supervised visits with absolutely no allegations against me whatsoever.
Son made a horrific outcry against his mother in July. The court forced me to allow the children to go back to their mother’s. Upon return from their mother’s my son makes his second outcry. This time I would not allow the children to go back and be subjected to that again.
I got thrown in jail for doing this. I was told that I was the first person in 22 years to be put in jail for interference with child custody. I was picked up by the Fugitive Task Force, dressed in full riot gear and parked in my entire neighborhood like I was El Chapo. I was met with an officer in full riot gear with a riot shield and his gun drawn, standing beside him was an officer in riot gear with the battering ram for our front door, Police and task force cars were parked in our grass, driveway, and all over our street. Standing behind the first 2 officers were another 5 to 7 law enforcement that were in green army gear. The officer with the riot shield even threatened to shoot our family pet, a chiweenie. The officers dressed in the army gear however took over and defused the situation with the arrest and treated me very civil. I then had a 48 hour hold placed on me where no one on the outside could get any info on me or find out what was going on.
In my holding cell, which is a 10X10 concrete room with a toilet, I watched the group in my cell get escorted out every 4 hours to see the judge…. Except for me. The officers would tell me nothing, and most seemed even more confused than I was as to why I was there and why I’m not moving in the system like everyone else. This continued to go on every 4 hours until around 5 am, where I did not see a judge, but they moved me instead to security level 3 general population jail.
My family and support continued to try and get me out, but the jail kept moving me around in the system so no one could find me. My family finally got me out at around midnight the following night. My son yet made another outcry within 12 hours upon my release from jail to a SANE nurse.
This day while I was in the hospital with my kids, I started to pee a lot of blood and felt like my groin was messed up. I had too much to deal with and thought that the concrete from the jail and the jail stay had caused it and that it would clear up. It did not clear up and this ended up being a deep blood clot that reached from my pelvis/groin area all the way down the entire length of my leg to my ankle.
I later found out that this was most likely caused by sitting on a concrete floor for over 24 hours in the jail cell. This put me in the hospital where my prognosis was that they would have to amputate my leg at my hip, but that this blood clot had lots of complications and that I did not have a chance of surviving. They must have been wrong. However, after leaving the hospital I did have a long recovery and almost lost my life from blood clots dislodging on more than one occasion.
Click image to visit National Reaction Plan or CLICK HERE.

My wife and I took a polygraph test from a highly regarded polygraph-er on the subject of coaching, or knowing of any coaching, for the children to say this. We passed with flying colors. I also took a psych test that scored in the normal range. What has happened to my children and my family is an absolute disgrace. The fact that the court has placed the children with the abuser 24/7 with little contact with me and no contact with anyone else that loves them is inexcusable.
Our entire support system is very scared that this could end in real tragedy if we do not get help soon. We can only thank God that something tragic has not happened yet. And please keep in mind that this is not just a court system calling me, my wife, my mother, my nephew, 2 family friends, 6 professional nurses, 1 professional supervisor placed by the court system, 1 play therapist placed by the court system all liars, but much more shameful than that, the court is calling a five year old boy a liar.
As part of the evidence there are also over 50 pictures of physical abuse, testimony of nurses and supervisors, polygraphs on wife and me, a psych test, and testimony from family and friends. I have now been on supervised visits for 9 months.
The initial offense happened to my kids 10 months ago. There is no end in sight, and every attempt to do something about the judge, the amicus, to go higher, to reach media have failed. It is imperative that something be done before it is too late for both of our children.
We are desperately seeking help in any way to save our children. There has got to be checks and balances set into place.
No one, not even a Judge should be above checks and balances. This, being a court that has the lives of innocent children at stake, looks like there would be many different avenues for children in distress; not just closed doors.
This should never happen to any children ever again. Something has got to be done to the criminals that do such cruel acts to children and also the corrupt court system that covers it up. We are asking that you please read this, sign the petition, and please pass what’s happening to my children on to as many as possible.
Parents should be aware that this could be you, or worse your children.
Pray for my children, and all of us involved, that someone step in and take a very close look at this. I can also tell you that we are not the only horror story coming from this court, from this judge, or from this amicus.
In fact, the way that we found, was an email from a woman that was writing in to about this same attorney that took her children in a similar fashion. Please help us stand up and fight this corruption.
Below are detailed accounts of what has happened and the names of all involved.
Offense #190056581
C Hughes – Badge #4589
K Lanier – Badge #4586
Sgt. Leach
Cook Children’s
SANE Nurse – Crystal Baxter (682)-885-3953
**Made outcry
**The below all have offices in Alliance for Children.
Crimes Against Children Unit
Detective Joshua Rodriquez – Badge #3966
Sgt DeHoyas (spelling?)
Child Protective Services Investigator
Cynthia Allen (682)-228-8934
Kelli Bailey (last name spelling?) (817)-348-1146
Family Advocate – Eliza Marentes (817)-348-1108
Forensic Interviewer
Mackenzie Phillips (817)-427-3110
* Friday, June 28, 2019 – Pick up the kids from their mother’s after one week. My wife, accompanies me on all exchanges.
* Upon arrival at home, Son unleashes an earful of being hit, being sucked, being sodomized, & his sister being raped in graphic detail to me & my wife.
* 9 am Monday, July 1st, the kids & I were at the Women’s Center begging for help with our situation & told them our story; 2 hrs there.
* Arrived at Alliance for Children 11 am & told them our story. Women’s Center had made contact with them as well.
* Alliance contacted CPS, & we were to wait in the lobby for a CPS worker to arrive. Waited 1.5 hrs for CPS.Front desk called me up to desk, & advised me that CPS had just called him, & said this case was closed, & we needed to leave.
* Contacted Ft. Worth PD at approximately 4 pm, & told dispatch our story of the day, & that we were reaching out to report abuse & molestation.
* Office Hughes & Lanier arrived, heard our whole story, & escorted us to Cook Children’s. Hughes ordered an exam & interview with a SANE nurse for us. He waited in the lobby with us the entire time until we were taken back. He gave me all his info before he left; told me to contact him for anything & told me he had a detailed report of all that he witnessed, my demeanor, & was going to write something in the report no coaching suspected.
* SANE nurse did an exam. Son made an outcry. We left around 10 pm.
* Tuesday morning, I was contacted by Detective Rodriquez, & was asked to go to Alliance for Children for Son’s forensic interview.
* After Son’s interview, they interviewed me. I asked if son made an outcry. Detective Rodriquez replied “you wouldn’t be sitting here if he didn’t. We would have asked you to leave.”
* Detective Rodriquez said he was going to talk to the abusers.
* Cynthia Allen said something along the lines that a safety plan would be in order before the kids had to go back to their mother’s Friday at 6 pm.
* Wednesday & Thursday with no contact from CPS nor Detective after leaving Rodriquez a voicemail & a couple of text. After that, still no contact from anyone involved.
* Friday I am frantically trying to get in touch with both CPS & Det Rodriquez with no response. Family members & friends start reaching out as well to them in order to ensure the kid’s safety.
* Det Rodriquez finally calls me around 5 pm, & the kids are to be back with their mom in an hour. I ask him to please let me know what’s happened with the case. He responded that he hasn’t talked to anyone yet including Cynthia Allen. I ask him if I have to return the kids, & he replied that’s between me & the judge. Still no contact from CPS.
* The kid’s mother picked them up Friday 6 pm.
* First contact from anyone is Wednesday, July 10th, from Cynthia Allen wanting to do a home visit for the following week when I have the kids. I told her sure, no problem.
* I go the rest of the week with no contact.
* Friday, July 12th, my wife & I pick up the kids at 6 pm. Immediately, when Son gets in the car, he tells us that he’s been raped & molested all week long, & that his mother & half-brother had been telling him that he better not talk to any teachers or the police anymore. Told me that his half brother told him that what he & Son were doing was naughty, & that Son would be the one to be in trouble.
* At 6:06 pm, I leave Detective Rodriquez a detailed voicemail of everything Son had just told my wife & me.
* At 8:27 pm, sent Cynthia Allen a detailed text of what Son just told me.
* Friday, Saturday, & Sunday nights we reached out to every resource there is for complaints, a hotline, or anything at all to do with child sexual abuse.
Through this process, I got the name of Det Rod superior, Sgt DeHoyas, & Cynthia Allen’s superior, Kelli Baily, & their contact info.
* Still no contact from anyone involved.
* Lots of behavioral issues have come up that needed to be reported to someone such as Daughter’s masturbation, extreme sexual behavior of both children. A lot more graphic details from Son.
* Monday morning, July 15th, Sgt DeHoyas returned my call, & listened to all my concerns.
* Monday sometime Kelli Bailey, with Cynthia Allen at her side, called me. I gave them an earful; lots of anger on my behalf. Let them know how extremely dangerous & negligent it was to put the children back in the situation that not only were they being raped & molested all week long, but now threatened by his mother and half-brother about talking to police & teachers. Cynthia never said a word.
* Tuesday 8:25 am Det Rod finally makes contact, & I told him the same things I told Kelli & Cynthia. He told me that was between CPS & me, & that he was doing his job.
* Shortly after, Cynthia Allen contacted me, & wanted to come meet with me. I told her that I will not be put in a situation where I would be alone with anyone else in the system without some kind of professionals in this field accompanying me.
* I made arrangements with the Women’s Center where my wife & I are in therapy in a trauma group for parents & guardians where they know our story well.
* CPS spoke to Son very briefly with our case manager, Cheryl, standing in the doorway.
* CPS spoke to me with Cheryl in the doorway, & as you can imagine, I unleashed all my concerns with full anger & anxiety. EVERY WORD WAS THE TRUTH ON HOW THEY HANDLED THIS; how they’ve always handled this.
* The kids are exhibiting many disturbing issues. We deal with Son’s flashbacks that he has at night quite often as it is, however, it is ramped up quite a bit during these past couple of weeks. One night, Son was crying out for me around 3 am. When I walked into his room he was standing up on his backboard of his bed (bed is shaped like a car and the backboard is a fin of a car) trying to climb the corner of the wall screaming for help. I held him and watched him play out one of the episodes of being molested and sodomized. He kept telling me how they were hurting him back there (him pointing at his anus). This was over around 5 am and he fell asleep in my arms where I took him and put him in bed with us. Our children are having to be separated constantly and told about how inappropriate that it is for either one to be putting things (fingers or toes) in each other’s private parts. The kids put toys down their underwear and is trying to get the other to get it. Daughter is constantly bending over or lying beside him on the couch with her butt up in the air pointing at her vagina and telling him to “put it in there”. She even told me one day while sitting beside me to put it in there while pointing at her vagina. We had to go in and separate them one night (they have not bathed together since) because Son was trying to get in position to put his penis inside her while she was telling him to put it in there. Son also killed a lizard outside. I know this last one does not sound like a big deal, but we spend many nights walking our streets so that Son can save the frogs and June bugs off the street as to not get run over. He never ever hurts anything and is very compassionate for animals and bugs.
* Thursday, July 18. I am cleaning up the house and the kids are always at my side. This time Daughter is playing in her room and Son is in our bedroom hanging up some shirts for my wife. Son walks over to my belt that’s hanging from a clothes hanger and says mommy hits me with this. I said she does? He said yes, me and Sister. I explained to him that I don’t spank him but that I do sometimes spank Sister. I explained to him that I only use my hand on her bottom and never hard enough to leave any marks. I told him that some parents use belts on the bottom too and that’s ok, but they don’t leave marks. I asked my Son if he knows what marks are, & he said yes, lines. My Son said mommy leaves marks. I grabbed a clothes hanger and said does mommy ever hit you with these? Son said no, but come in here. Son ran into the kitchen and I followed him. He got up on the counter and grabbed the big wooden spoon and the wooden fork out of the utensil holder. He said that mommy hits me in my forehead and all over back here with these (he is pointing all over the side and back of his head), I said, she hits you with these? He said yes, and sometimes I bleed. Son then said that she does that to Sister and the half-brother too. He said that mom & half-brother told him not to talk to the police or teachers. Mom said if he talks to the police, he will not see daddy anymore. I told him to lets stop working and play outside. Outside Son walked up to me and was crying so hard that I could not understand him. He took me over to a lizard that he smashed with a brick. He was crying about hurting the lizard. I explained that its ok, we mess up. Now he knows what it feels like to really hurt something and that it doesn’t seem that he will be doing that again. Son then explains to me that his half-brother killed his guinea pig. I stressed my concern. Son then tells me that his half-brother got a sharp knife from the kitchen and cut off one of the legs from his brown guinea pig. He said that the guinea pig started screaming and that Son ran out of the bathroom. He said that by the time that his mom got in there that his half-brother had cut off all four legs and that mom cleaned up the blood and threw the dead guinea pig in the trash.
* Friday July 19th at 10 am Cynthia Allen along with another CPS worker shows up for a home visit, our first one. This outcry to us is now at 3 weeks. She takes pictures of the rooms, fridge, etc. Cynthia Allen refuses to go to my son’s room or anywhere else to talk to my son. My wife and I express to her that we thought that she would be talking to him since no one really has. She said that she does not have authorization to talk to him and that she was closing the case. My wife is in tears and we are asking how can they do that. Cynthia explained to us that the mom was going to be taking the kids to play therapy even after what we have been through with this mother, all of the new concerns, that the mom is threatening him as well and that Son has expressed to us that his half-brother does all of these sexual things to the kids while mommy is away in the community computer room of the apartment but while mommy is touching his pee pee and putting her thumb in his anus that O is in the house and sometimes watches. She said nothing at all and they left.
* We call as many friends and family members as possible on such short notice on a Friday to meet up at the police station in our precinct. We were all pleading for help from the police. They responded fast and we had about 7 officers on the phone. They knew that the mother was to pick up the children at 6 pm and it was 1 pm when this began at the station. They opened up an animal cruelty case for us and contacted CPS to come and talk to my son. We waited, along with the officers to show up for about 3 hours. A couple of the police officers walked over to us and said that they just received a call from CPS, and they are refusing to come out. They explain my rights as a parent and said that they would not take my children from me, that a judge would have to do that. They said if the children were theirs that they would just keep the children and take it up with the judge. We asked the officers if CPS has ever refused to come down for something as serious as this? They all replied no, this is a first.
* I sent a text to Detective Rodriquez explaining to him that my son had been threatened, got molested again all week under CPS safety plan (with the mom assuring their safety?) and had his pet guinea pig mutilated right in front of him. I am not running, he knows where we live, he has my phone number, and that the kids are safe.
* July 24th, a hearing for the mother’s petition for Habeas Corpus was held in the 325th Judicial District Court, Tarrant County, before Judge Judith Wells. Judge Wells found no evidence of an endangering environment with the mother & returned the children to her care. She then immediately made an order that the children were NOT to be left unaccompanied with mother’s 15 year old son. This ruling is wholly inconsistent & contradictory to her finding.
* July 25th, Wells appointed Lyndsay Newell (again) as amicus attorney, although the appointment of an amicus was not an issue in the days earlier court proceedings. My legal team explicitly requested that Newell NOT be appointed in this case as substantial evidence questioning the impartiality of Newell was available. Note: Newell was awarded a judgement on me in excess of $11,000 with payments being set up as child support payments at $350 per month when my child support is only $280.
* July 26th, legal team filed a motion to recuse Judge Wells. This in addition to the previous days is all documented with evidence & court proceedings.
* July 31st, I was arrested by a fugitive task force early that morning. I was charged with two felony counts of Interference with Child Custody. The application of this penal code provision is an extreme rarity state-wide. Most counties even have a written policy against it’s use. There was a hold placed on my release. This still remains unexplained.
* August 1st, I was finally released late this night. My children were asleep in their car seats when my wife picked me up. I laid my sleeping children down when we arrived home.
* August 2nd, immediately upon Son awakening, he made another outcry to me about more abuse, & being threatened about telling. I immediately took the children to the police station in Weatherford knowing that I had no help from the Ft. Worth PD, in particular, Detective Rodriquez & Sgt DeHoyas. They sent me straight over to the Weatherford hospital where Son made 3 different outcries to 3 different nurses. The hospital sent for the Care Unit ambulance to transport us to Cook Children’s in Ft. Worth so that Son could speak to a SANE Nurse. Son made another outcry to the SANE Nurse, Stacey Henley, who later testified of his outcry & even his fear of leaving with his mother. I was instructed sternly by my attorneys to let the children go back with their mother this day & handle it in court. They knew they would throw me right back in jail. This was the last day that I’ve seen my children; at hospitals all day, sitting with Son as he reaches out for help. Lastly, being the last time seeing him was him being fearful of going back with his mother.
My attorney’s, along with my now criminal attorney, Mike Schneider, found out that Detective Rodriquez is the person that put the warrant out for my arrest and sent the Task Force to pick me up. This is the detective assigned to the open child molestation case against mother and half-brother, arresting the protective parent for the children and doing absolutely nothing to protect the children from the people that they have been placed with that the outcries were made about.
* August 9th, attorneys for Mother filed for a temp restraining order seeking to prevent me from seeing my children until the hearing scheduled for August 22nd.
* August 22nd, Even after presenting 5 outcries to nurses (two being Cook SANE nurses), testimony of one SANE Nurse, testimony of one of the police officers, testimony of both my wife & me of the abuse & outcries, two polygraphs passed with “flying colors” by my wife & me with Eric Holden, one of the most respected polygraphers around, Wells granted the restraining order, & kept me from my children.
* August 26th, the motion to dissolve my temp restraining order, again with overwhelming evidence against the mother, was denied. Judge Wells told us she would look over the evidence & give us a final ruling.
* August 27th, received notice from my attorneys that Judge Wells ordered that I have only supervised visits with my children.
I have now been on supervised visits with no reasons as to why.
My children are kidnapped by this Judge and her ring of corruption.
Please Help My Children, Please Help Us!