CPS “Kidnaps” Children with No Warrant, No Cause & No Due Process
Children Removed 1st Time
On September 4th, 2018, my children were removed from my care.
I Did Everything Right
After 22 long agonizing months I gained an in home plan with my children. They returned to my physical care on June 30th, 2020. The original safety plan was dated incorrectly. It was dated June 3rd, 2020.
I Got Both Kids Back!
My daughter was returned 1st. I had her home for 3 weeks before they returned my son. The original safety plan for my daughter had no stipulations to it. On July 17th when they returned my son. It also came with another safety plan. But this time with a long list of stipulations.

Unfounded Claims
Today, August 24th, 2020, my caseworker, Sarah Wanamaker of Crook County DHS called me at 2:14 p.m. She wanted to come up here and discuss last weekend with me.
Children Removed 2nd Time
At approximately 3:30 p.m. she showed up at my door. I looked out my window and only saw her. I open the door and two Crook County deputies stepped out into my view. Deputy Bottoms and Deputy Sanchez.
No Due Process
Miss Wanamaker asked me where my children were. She said they needed to go outside with her coworker Elise. While she comes in and has a conversation with me.
“mommy please don’t let them take us…”
My children did not want to go outside. They said “mommy please don’t let them take us away, we want to stay with you.”
At 4:07 p.m. August 24th 2020. I was forced to load my children into the DHS vehicle and buckle them in. I was instructed to tell them everything’s OK, and to not aggravate my children. I was instructed to tell them “they were going to the Foster parents home for a few days.” And everything was going to be OK.
I was told I would be contacted August 25th, 20202. To let me know what visitation would look like. I wasn’t handed anything. No documentation. No court order. and no warrants. Just told that I had violated the safety plan and that she was taking my children back into custody.
My Peer Support Counselor
Upon them leaving. I immediately called my peer support counselor. Who rushed to my side to comfort me and help me come up with a plan. Per my peer support counselor who did an immediate home visit. She said I had self regulated and was doing very well emotionally and mentally. She also stated. That she has seen me several times over the past 2 months. And has not seen any red flags.
False Allegation
Miss Wanamaker stated her reason for taking my children was I had abused staff at my community partners building. That she had many, many complaints from the facility where I receive mental health treatment. She would not say who I had supposedly abused or mistreated just that she had many many complaints and emails.
Zero Complaints from Peer Group
My peer support worker who works for this said facility. Said that she reached out to her boss and my entire support team. And none of them have any clue what this case worker is talking about. There has been zero complaints about me. I have nothing but positive reports and notes from all of the people that I work with.
“Sarah is motivated…”

Pingback: Oregon DHS Caseworker Sarah Wanamaker Files False Allegations Against Mother - Fighter Cries
I’m dead. They killed me I read in the paper
So not even cool.