Parenting Plans
Making a parenting plan after divorce, breakup, or any involvement with CPS can be a smart decision. Creating a Parenting Plan gives you the ability to address key issues in writing to help protect your child, and it is also another vital document that can be used to gain custody because it can/may list you as “Sole” custody and caretaker of your child.
Please note, there is a “paid” version, but from what we have seen from both the paid and free version, you do not need to pay. It did not unlock anything we did not already have access too, and creating the parenting plan was free.
Create a Parenting Plan ASAP
If you are planning on having shared custody, joint custody, or any kind of custody of your child, it is smart to create a parenting plan.
Parenting plans outline all of the parenting details such as “Matters Requiring Mutual Consent” as seen below.
In addition to all other matters of concerns regarding your child.
Make a Co-Parenting Calendar
Depending on your situation, you may need a parenting calendar. Below is an example of what one might look like with Holidays marked.
Time-Share Percentage Computation Report
Creating a Parenting Plan Time-Share Percentage Computation Chat is an important part of any parenting plan. Blow is an example of a recent Time-Share Percentage Computation Report that was used in court.
This report should be a few pages long. The example seen here is 3 pages long, and below is what the final page looks like.
Ask for help. You are not alone.
Please, tell someone what is happening and ask for help. No matter what you do, ask for help.
We recommend you start by contact an attorney for legal help. You are not alone.
Too many people get divorced or have a child and then breakup than you can count because the number keeps going up every day.
Free App. Used to Make Parenting Plan Seen Here
The app used to create all the images here is called Custody X Change, and you are looking at real screenshots that parent used to gain custody of child.
Please note, there is a “paid” version, but from what we have seen from both the paid and free version, you do not need to pay. It did not unlock anything we did not already have access too.
Resources are one of the foundations of a successful community and healthy family relationships. Although Fighter Cries is less than 2 months old, we’ve already assemble some great resources for families in crises and parents in need of help.
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The Shorty Story Upload is for those who just need to get it out, or would just simply like to write a poem or creative piece that expresses their feelings. We have options.
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