Governor Kate Brown, Do Not Pass Go, Go Directly To Jail For Crimes Against Children
Hello everyone, welcome to our first round of “Do Not Pass Go,” the 100% legal online game where our great Nation of diverse individuals has the power to change the future.
I am your host, Alex Lockwood. I am here to take the “bear” head on.
Where I’m from in Oregon, we used to leave the house ready for possible bear sightings/attacks (not joking) daily, so good ole Governor Kate Brown does not scare me, at all. In fact, she reminds me of the mean old teddy bear in Toy Story 3, pretends to be happy, but is really just sad and pathetic.

That’s right folks, we are doing this differently here, so buckle up, keep your hands and feet inside the vehicle at all times. Gamification is about to begin.
Do Not Pass Go
Do Not Pass Go is an instant classic for anyone who’s tired of being pushed around by outside influencers.
In this game, you are in the driver seat of our Nation’s future and you have the power to make a difference.
To create awareness for the crimes being committed against children while Government Officials turn a blind eye and/or participate in said crimes.
below, 13 of the 16 Kate Brown Campaign donors are from out of State. Yep, take a look. The majority of her funding comes from outside influencers.
Interesting huh? How does that make you feel knowing that Oregonians are being controlled by outside influencers? I am not a fan.
Your mission, should you choose to accept it, politely contact at least one of the outside influencers below and let them know how you feel about that as nicely as possible.
Every donor Title is a direct link to their contact pages so you’re one click away from making a difference.
In less than 1 minute, you will make a difference! Post your experience in the comments. Nicest comment wins! GO!
Crimes Against Children

Be as nice as humanly possible. I know it’s a difficult subject with a lot of emotion, however, we are going to rise above corruption with kind words of love, forgiveness, and hope for a better tomorrow.
Legally call or email one or more of the following organizations and let them know how you feel about outside influencers that fund crimes against children. GO!
Play Now!
Click Here for EMILY’s List Contact Information

Barbara Lee Family Foundation #2 Contributor with $75,000 from Cambridge, MA

Oregon Nurses Political Action Committee

Steve Silberstein #4 from Belvedere, CA

American Federation of Teachers from Washington DC

David Cornfield from Seattle, WA

Pat Stryker from Fort Collins, Co

Jon Stryker from Kalamazoo, MI but resides in New York.

Email Thomas Steyer from Redwood City, CA

Henry Van Ameringen from New York, NY

Women’s Political Committee from Los Angeles, CA

Douglas Lanphere from Perris, CA

Vulcan from Seattle, WA

Harsch Investment Properties

Avangrid from New Haven, CT

Daniel Tishman – Tishman Hotel Corporation from New York, NY