Desperate Mother Cries out For Help to White House & She Gets Ignored
This tragic story of abuse will break your heart. This mother has been crying out for over 24 years, with no answer, due process, or justice at all.
We are following this case all the way to the Attorney General.
She’s even sending letters to the White House, and she has still been ignored for years, and they admit it.

They Know They’re Wrong
In fact, they even admit to their fault of not responding to her Fighter Cries for help. You will see this repeatedly throughout her case as the CPS lies unravel and we reveal the names of public employees who are suspected to have committed criminal activity.
We are naming names for this woman, because no one else would. As a community, we must look at each story behind this sad story.

Notice the end of the 1st paragraph, when Patricia Sosa opening admits she delayed in responding to this urgent matter.
The Story of Christine
This story will take you on an emotional roller coaster, which will open your eyes to the systemic problems within CPS that have continued unchecked for decades.

Throw The Book
That’s right folks, we are throwing the “proverbial book” at CPS in this case, and it’s so bad, she does in fact have a book detailing all of their crimes for 24 years straight.
Her name is Christina, and Fighter Cries is going to report on this case as it is brought directly to the Attorney General.
Our goal is to make sure that her story is heard so it’s not swept under the rug as history has proven with her case. She has been ignored for years, it’s time for that to change.
This story is so long that we ourselves have yet to uncover the whole truth, and a lot of questions still need answered, however, the surface reeks of “Targeting” and or “Abuse of Power” along with a myriad of other suspected crimes that may go all the way to the top.
The amount of evidence this mother has is overwhelmingly damning.
Stay tuned.