Retired Teacher Abuses Child Without Mother’s Knowledge and CPS Destroys Family
I have a Bachelor’s degree in psychology and most of my Masters degree in counseling.
I was asked repeatedly why I never did a background check on anyone I left my kids with. One abuser was a retired teacher. Another took care of his mom on disability.
Neither had any legal trouble until these instances. The third, whom I gave investigators all the information I had in order for them to locate him, has not, at this time, ever faced charges. The other two were sentenced by Alford Pleas in April 2013 and November 2013, respectively. In July 2015, it was brought up that my daughter, now aged 17, wanted mine and her father rights to her terminated.
This was a shock to me as she had told me that nothing that happened was my fault. In July 2015, during a court hearing, CC testified that I had not known about the abuse. However, I was told that if I voluntarily relinquished my rights to CC, it would help me to get my son JC, now aged 8, home. My case became stagnant for 5 months.
New Attorney
In Sept. 2015, I was appointed a new attorney with no notification. This attorney happened to share an office with the guardian ad litem. In Dec. 2015, I was approached by my attorney, who stated that the state was now attempting to terminate my rights to my son JC.
No CPS Visit
During this entire time, Oct 2014 to Dec. 2015, not one person from CPS nor the guardian ad litem ever visited my home to see if the issues that caused the removal of my children had been remedied. No one other than the persons from the company contracted to supervise my visitation, Home Base, ever saw me interact with my children.
All Positive Reports
All reports from visitation were positive. In Dec. 2015, faced with losing my rights to my son, I entered into a Disposition 5 agreement, understanding from what my attorney said, that I would be guaranteed visits, phone calls, access to my son JC’s school and medical records, etc. However, once the guardianship of my children and grandson were granted to Andrew and Michele Ballard, I was only allowed one visit every 3 months and no phone contact unless my son initiated. I continued with this schedule , took another parenting class on my own, continued with therapy for about 4 months. I also filed a complaint with the Office of Civil Rights, part of the Department of Health and Human Services in Washington DC in March 2016, stating that CPS discriminated against me due to my mental illness diagnosis. That is the only thing CPS kept bringing up in my case.
No Substance Abuse Issues
I have not and have never had substance abuse issues. I filed paperwork in April 2016 to have the guardianship reversed and to regain custody of my son, JC. At that time, I was appointed another court appointed attorney since the previous one, as well as the guardian ad litem, had been questioned during the investigation by the Office of Civil Rights. The guardian ad litem was never replaced. Hearings kept getting scheduled and then delayed, due to numerous reasons such as a new judge, the state saying they were not being given information, etc.
My Last Visit
My last visit was Jan. 13, 2019. At which time my son wrote me a letter stating that he wanted to come home to me. I finally got a hearing in March 2019, where I was told that I needed “more therapy”, which I have been doing since April 4, 2019 on a weekly basis. In April, 2019, as I contacted the guardians to set up the next visit, I was informed that the visits had been suspended indefinitely, with no reason given. I have not seen my son or heard his voice since. I am still told that it is up to him to ask to call. He has told me in the past that he has asked and was told not now or later and the time never came for him to call.
Therapist Blocks Mail
I am allowed mail correspondence with my son, but all mail I send him has to go to his therapist , Sharon McMillen first, before my son gets it. This process began in December 2019. JC was placed with this therapist in Sept. 2015, even though he had been providing getting services through Wellsprings Morgantown office. He was transitioned without any warning. I was not informed of this change.
Therapist Undermines Mother
This therapist has allowed others to sit in on his sessions, including CC after I relinquished rights to her and she was an adult. At one session, CC stated in front of JC, that they would have been better off if I were dead.
No CPS Home Walkthrough
To this date, I have had no visits in my home from any worker from Child Protective Services, nor the guardian ad litem, Joe Moses.
As of this date, my son now aged 13, turning 14 in February, has been away from me for over 6 years. He was 7 at the time of removal.
Guardians Still Maintain Custody
CC is now an adult, with another child of her own. However, the guardians still maintain custody of her son, now aged 7. Currently, and through the entirety of his placement with the ⅕Ballard’s, JC shares a room with 4 other boys, current ages 19 to 7.
Child Removed from Public School
He has been removed from public school and is being homeschooled by the guardian.
Diagnosed ADHD
JC is diagnosed ADHD and has no place for him to designate a cool off spot as the guardians home is 3 bedroom, 2 bath one level home with an average of 10 people residing.
All of the information contained in this statement is verifiable through emails, court documents and other reports.
Page 6 of 19. More will be published soon.

Exactly my storie I have had no contact with my grandchildren since Dec 19th 2019