Where My Story Begins
I’m tired of hiding. No one seems to listen. It’s time to come forward out of the dark into the light and let people know this is happening not just to me.
In This Brief Letter
I will outline a timeline. In the end, I will provide the source of all the information. It’s not my intention to have you read this letter and accept that everything I say is the gospel. It’s my understanding that in the position you have been given you would do the research and find the truth for yourselves.
The Abuse
Marco and Carol and our family members were my abusers and handlers for five years straight.
Pain is real not just in the physical. True pain is from the soul. You perfect in your body nothin is broken. Your mind is a different story. Nothing mattered when it came to me.
When I was pregnant with my daughter. I Disc Jockeyed at the club. I danced all the way up until I was showing. It was embarrassing and degrading. I was ashamed of my pregnancy because it meant that I was used I looked used. Never did I stop to think about the perverse side effects stripping at four months pregnant. Eventually, it was a bad look for the club so when I really started to show. I became the club’s first female DJ. This was fun for me because I got to listen to music. I didn’t have to get on the stage anymore. And I could chastise people on a microphone that amplified through the whole building. I was a rancid mean girl. Because I was pregnant. and my so-called job entailed.
All the money that I made they collected on a nightly basis. Was never allowed to have my own money. Never allowed to leave our home. Unless they knew where I was going. Who I would be with. I worked at bachelor parties, birthday parties, and many other horrible events. All in compliance with Carol and Marco‘s demands.
Those demands include being forced into a second-trimester abortion. They took me to a hotel room. The abortion and room were paid for by Carol on her credit card. Under Marco’s orders. My abortion was the straw that broke the camel’s back. After the abortion, I completely flipped out.
For six months I did not talk to anyone or leave their house. I can go into this in further detail later. It is hard to convey the level of evil this family is willing to enact for monetary gain. They have blatant disrespect for women and see them as commodities. They objectify women for their own profits.
Rough draft part 2
 we got into a fight
Driving to fantasies 1911 E. 15th Ave. fantasies on fifth. The devils drinking hole. I was tired of him flirting with women right in front of me. It was blatantly obvious that he was having sex with these girls, and he always rubbed it in my face. Wasn’t like I expected for him to be faithful because at this point in our relationship I realized.
This was not a relationship. He was not in love with me. He was in love with what he could get out of me. Money drugs sex. For lack of better terms, I was his bitch. He belittled me every chance he got. On the way to work, we were fighting. I ripped his car stereo out. It was a big deal for him. He liked his car stereo and fancy things. He put a lot of time and work into the car stereo and he was really proud of it.
But he wasn’t listening to me. He wasn’t validating my feelings. He was sleeping with other girls and receiving sexual favors. Sending other girls out to do his bidding it was apparent to me that Marco was a pimp and I was his bitch. Looking back I should’ve left before I got pregnant. But it was too late.
I ripped the car stereo out he flipped out
Started calling me all kinds of names he didn’t hit me I’ll say that much. I thought for sure he was going to smack me but he didn’t. When he dropped me off he was so mad he couldn’t even get out of the car he just sped off out of the parking lot.
I called him probably 100 times over and over again he was so mad he wouldn’t pick up.
A few hours past and he showed up he walked in the door and he threw keys in my face.
He threw keys in my face as hard as he could.
And he said.
You stupid bitch don’t you ever come back to my house I’m fucking done with you.
He packed up all of my stuff all of my son stuff and put it in a van parked it outside. I was scared broken I didn’t know what to do all I could do was cry.
Cry because I was embarrassed and I had nowhere to go. Now I have nowhere to go and I had my son and I was pregnant with my daughter. He had all of my money every last dime. All the money that I had made in the 4 years I had made working at the club he had all of it.
His mother had all my personal identification birth certificate Social Security number. I was stuck I didn’t know what to do. At that time my handler Carol Hartman decided I would just stay at her house since I was carrying her first grandchild.
End of rough draft 2
Carol Hartman my handler took this as an opportunity. Now instead of living with Marco I lived with Carol. So did my son Nyeem. My pregnancies are hard. I have a hard time keeping things down. I was put on bedrest at four months. I wasn’t allowed to stand up for more than seven minutes to take a shower. It was horrible. I have hyper minces. Which is a fancy way for saying I puked the entire time. Not to be vulgar but it is very hard to keep down food. I could vomit up to 15 times in a day. Stomach bile. It was really rough I was diagnosed with hyper menses. I had to take medication so that I wouldn’t throw up. This was also taken advantage of. Because they have more access to my son. So I was on bedrest pregnant with my daughter and I had a son. I was so embarrassed towards the end I could not go back to work. I believe I pretty much quit DJing at about eight months. I would only see Marco every once in a while. Until the day he came over and tried to accuse me of giving him herpes. Yes herpes on bed rest at his mothers house. Eight months pregnant. There was no respect for my pregnancy none at all. The day that I had my daughter was horrible as well. Even though I had requested there be no pictures or videos taken at all. Carol Hartman my handler insisted. I was high as a kite. On several different medications and she whipped out the camera. Helpless with my legs in the stirrups no one there in my corner just in a room full of handlers. The doctor at one point had to tell Carol to move because he could not catch the baby. My OB/GYN had to tell my handler to get out of the way. As I was crowning. After my daughter was born I began to hemorrhage. But that it didn’t mean anything to my handlers. As soon as my daughter was born before they could even get the hemorrhage completely under control. Marco’s brothers Carlos and Armando came in the room. Thankfully my doctors have had enough at this point.
end of draft 3
They made all of my handlers leave the room. Got me stable and everything under control. That still wasn’t enough for Carol or Marco. Time is money you see they needed to get back to the club. For the time being they left me there I spent the night. First things first the next day I was out the door and back at my handler‘s house. 3714 E. 16th Ave. my daughter one day old.
end of draft 4
Very shortly after I had my daughter. My handlers pushed me back into work I went back to work my daughter was less than two months old It was hard being away from my baby I missed her all the time. Every time I would call Carol would tell me that everything was under control to go back to work more important to make money. That she was taking care of my daughter. In her words stop complaining and get back on the floor. From the time she came out of me my handlers did nothing but separate Me from my daughter. Both my handler’s had no respect for my daughters quality-of-life. No respect for the mother daughter relationship I desperately wanted. because my body was not the same after the birth of my child my second child. I didn’t want to return to work not back on that stage for people to stare at me and look at me and objectify my body. After the birth of my daughter all I wanted to do was spend time with her I didn’t want to be in that cesspool is disgusting. I was embarrassed about the way that my body looked it was not the same Anymore. Because of this I was my subconscious didn’t talk to people as much. My handlers noticed I wasn’t making as much money as I used to one day they took me. Aside it was strange. Even now I’m holding back tears writing this. So I’m just going to see what happen. My handlers had me takeoff all of my clothes standing there naked in front of them without the black light was different then being on stage. I don’t know how I got myself into this mess is all I could keep thinking is how did this happen. Marco said that my body looked used and That’s why I was not making as much money. Carol went on to say that I looked rode hard and put away wet. They were touching my breasts Marco made a comment that my breast were too saggy. That I needed to get a boob job. Carol let me know but I need to tighten up my stomach. She grabbed I am pinched fat on my body. Marco agreeing with her telling her I needed to tighten myself up get back in the gym. Shortly after that I was shipped off to Utah to get breast implants. My daughter was the newborn not ready to be taken off breast milk. However my handlers assured me that babies could survive on formula that I was overreacting it was time to get back to work. I was so embarrassed so degraded. I didn’t want. to go back to work. And the first day I did they made me see why I didn’t want to be there in the first place. Nothing was ever good enough. As they sit there and judge me while I’m naked in the office. All I could think about is how stuck I was. I wanted to move out of my handler‘s house. I did not want to be with Marco anymore in any capacity. But I had two kids and nowhere to go I had to get myself together. I started doing tons of sit ups 500 sit ups a day I still couldn’t lose the baby weight. They pushed me into getting my implants not necessarily with a gun. But what the horrible comments they would make and tell me. You look rode hard and put away wet your body is not bouncing back. It looks like you’ve had a football team of children your stretch marks you need to go tanning. You need to tighten up your stomach. You can’t eat that remember you’re on a diet. Comments like that from your girlfriends are from my life coach trying to help you lose weight is different and even then verbally abusive. But I kept trying I kept doing my sit ups I cut my calories I tanned every day that I could. Until the day came that they let me know I would be going to get implants. I’ve never had surgery. But I was tired of being charged so I did it. When I went down to Utah with the doctor of choice by the handlers. He was a nice doctor it was a beautiful clinic he did a great job. Thankfully my doctor was a good person I can say that much. However at the time I got my implants I was pregnant that’s right I was pregnant again and I had no idea. And that is why I could not get rid of the fat around my stomach I wasn’t actually fat it was a baby. My handler Marco was insatiable and demanded sex and if he didn’t get it whenever you want to date the verbal abuse. physical abuse was worse. I did whatever he wanted I said whatever his mother wanted I just wanted to be loved and to feel a part of the family. And my little head I thought if I did what they wanted I would one day be appreciated maybe even respected as a family member. That is not what happened I was more like cattle along with the other girls I was treated like cattle. After I got my implants I could not get rid of the weight because remember it wasn’t weight it was a baby I didn’t find out I was pregnant until I was about for five months pregnant The reason for this is because I continue to have. They were light and I thought because I just had a baby And surgery but maybe my periods were going to be unusual for a while. I didn’t know much about my body because I left home at 13 and I really didn’t have a mother. Carol Partments my handler what’s the closest I ever came to my mother. Which is just so twisted because she is as evil as Evil can get. Long story short I was pregnant at the time of my surgery and I didn’t find out until I started hemorrhaging. I began hemorrhaging at my handler Marco‘s house he flipped out who is completely irate. One quick phone call to his mother. Because that’s what Marco does he rides on his mother’s coattails nothing happens without running it past his mom. All of us girls were herded around like cattle for the meat grinder. He let his mother know what had happened. He threw his car keys at me told me to take myself to the doctor not to get any blood on the seat. I told him I didn’t know where to go. I was crying and hemorrhaging my pants were soaked with blood out of nowhere I didn’t understand what was going on with my body I was really scared. I was going to see The doctor I had been seeing for years the doctor that delivered my son and my daughter. Marco requested that I go to a different planet so I said I didn’t want to piss him off anymore.
end of draft 5
Very shortly after I had my daughter. My handlers pushed me back into work I went back to work my daughter was less than two months old It was hard being away from my baby I missed her all the time. Every time I would call Carol would tell me that everything was under control to go back to work more important to make money. That she was taking care of my daughter. In her words stop complaining and get back on the floor. From the time she came out of me my handlers did nothing but separate Me from my daughter. Both my handler’s had no respect for my daughters quality-of-life. No respect for the mother daughter relationship I desperately wanted because my body was not the same after the birth of my child my second child. I didn’t want to return to work not back on that stage for people to stare at me and look at me and objectify my body. After the birth of my daughter all I wanted to do was spend time with her I didn’t want to be in that cesspool is disgusting. I was embarrassed about the way that my body looked it was not the same Anymore. Because of this I was my subconscious didn’t talk to people as much. My handlers noticed I wasn’t making as much money as I used to one day they took me Aside it was strange. Even now I’m holding back tears writing this. So I’m just going to see what happen. My handlers had me takeoff all of my clothes standing there naked in front of them without the black light was different then being on stage. I don’t know how I got myself into this mess is all I could keep thinking is how did this happen. Marco said that my body looked used and That’s why I was not making as much money. Carol went on to say that I looked rode hard and put away wet. They were touching my breasts Marco made a comment that my breast were too saggy. That I needed to get a boob job. Carol let me know but I need to tighten up my stomach. She grabbed I am pinched fat on my body. Marco agreeing with her telling her I needed to tighten myself up get back in the gym. Shortly after that I was shipped off to Utah to get breast implants. My daughter was the newborn not ready to be taken off breastmilk. However my handlers assured me that babies could survive on formula that I was overreacting it was time to get back to work. I was so embarrassed so degraded. I didn’t want to go back to work. And the first day I did they made me see why I didn’t want to be there in the first place. Nothing was ever good enough. As they sit there and judge me while I’m naked in the office. All I could think about is how stuck I was. I wanted to move out of my handler‘s house. I did not want to be with Marco anymore in any capacity. But I had two kids and nowhere to go I had to get myself together. I started doing tons of sit ups 500 sit ups a day I still couldn’t lose the baby weight. They pushed me into getting my implants not necessarily with a gun. But what the horrible comments they would make and tell me. You look rode hard and put away wet your body is not bouncing back. It looks like you’ve had a football team of children your stretch marks you need to go tanning. You need to tighten up your stomach. You can’t eat that remember you’re on a diet Comments like that from your girlfriends are from my life coach trying to help you lose weight is different and even then verbally abusive. But I kept trying I kept doing my sit ups I cut my calories I tanned every day that I could. Until the day came that they let me know I would be going to get implants. I’ve never had surgery. But I was tired of being charged so I did it. When I went down to Utah with the doctor of choice by the handlers. He was a nice doctor it was a beautiful clinic he did a great job. Thankfully my doctor was a good person I can say that much. However at the time I got my implants I was pregnant that’s right I was pregnant again and I had no idea. And that is why I could not get rid of the fat around my stomach I wasn’t actually fat it was a baby. My handler Marco was insatiable and demanded sex and if he didn’t get it whenever you want to date the verbal abuse physical abuse was worse. I did whatever he wanted I said whatever his mother wanted I just wanted to be loved and to feel a part of the family. And my little head I thought if I did what they wanted I would one day be appreciated maybe even respected as a family member. That is not what happened I was more like cattle along with the other girls I was treated like cattle. After I got my implants I could not get rid of the weight because remember it wasn’t weight it was a baby I didn’t find out I was pregnant until I was about forfive months pregnant The reason for this is because I continue to have. They were light and I thought because I just had a baby And surgery but maybe my periods were going to be unusual for a while. I didn’t know much about my body because I left home at 13 and I really didn’t have a mother. Carol Partments my handler what’s the closest I ever came to my mother. Which is just so twisted because she is as evil as Evil can get. Long story short I was pregnant at the time of my surgery and I didn’t find out until I started hemorrhaging. I began hemorrhaging at my handler Marco‘s house he flipped out who is completely irate. One quick phone call to his mother. Because that’s what Marco does he rides on his mother’s coattails nothing happens without running it past his mom. All of us girls were herded around like cattle for the meat grinder. He let his mother know what had happened. He threw his car keys at me told me to take myself to the doctor not to get any blood on the seat. I told him I didn’t know where to go. I was crying and hemorrhaging my pants were soaked with blood out of nowhere I didn’t understand what was going on with my body I was really scared. I was going to see The doctor I had been seeing for years the doctor that delivered my son and my daughter. Marco requested that I go to a different planet so I said I didn’t want to piss him off anymore.
Meet The Author
For the six months I refused to go out of the basement I completely lost my mind. This was due to the fact that I had absolutely no time to think about having this abortion. In fact I had no choice at all it was not up to me. Was told that if I did not have the abortion. I’d be kicked out of the house. I would have no job.
Marco also made it perfectly clear that he would be keeping all of my belongings right down to my personal hygiene products!!! And that he would be keeping our daughter GG. Me and my son would be out on the streets and have to fend for ourselves.
Furthermore this had to be done within a 24 hour period. Mind you I was five months pregnant. The abortion went wrong and I wound up having the baby in the motel room. Marco did something with this baby, it is my word against his.
When I came back home I continued to hear a baby crying so much so that I could not sleep and I had to listen to headphones. I would listen to Metallica S&M. I would listen to Metallica every night to go to sleep because I would hear a baby crying. Clear as day I would hear a baby crying and I would run up the stairs into the bedroom where my daughter would be soundly asleep.
Marco and Carol couldn’t have cared less. They left me to rot away in the basement of that house. All they would ever talk to me about was when would I be ready to return to work!!
They were threatening to separate me from my children. Also from what was left of my own moral compass. What was left of my sanity. Things got worse. Marco and Carol decided to Sue the abortion company. At this point I was beyond disgusted. In my eyes this was blood money and I could not believe their audacity.
You’re not supposed to hate people and they say hate is a strong word. After what Marco and Carol did to me I hate them so much I could never begin to put into words.
Anyway, they made me sign a document, some kind of release, and as soon as I signed the documents they served me with court papers on my daughter.
They sued this abortion company for God knows how much money. Marco took a vacation with his brother while I wrote down everything anyway in the basement crying myself to sleep on a regular basis every night.
Carol was happy with the way things turned out. She took my two children for herself. The plan was to separate me from the kids and just get rid of me. And for a while it worked for a long time. I couldn’t even be around my daughter without crying and thinking about what I had done. It was hard to look my son in the face and know that I killed a baby.
People Say abortion but at five months when you can tell the sex and you have to give the baby a heart attack before you even rip the child out of the womb. It really hit me hard because it brought back memories of what my mother did with my little sisters. Even now 20 years later it makes me cry. It also makes me hate myself. When I think about what I did I can still hear a baby crying clear as day, I hear this baby crying. I used to think it was my little sister. The baby Marco and Carol forced me to murder.
I can’t blame them 100% because I laid down on the table and did what I did. Sometimes if I’m lucky I can go a couple of days without thinking about what happened.
Dealing with all this drama
Except recently, dealing with all of this drama again, has brought back all kinds of memories I cannot shake away. And the crying… The only way that I can explain it is that I hear a baby crying. Sometimes I have to drown out the sound of the crying with music. I can’t really sleep unless I’m listening to something. It’s loud, not something that can easily drown it out.
Reliving this even now is total and complete torture. I regret killing my baby. It should’ve never happened. It did and now I have to move forward and I cannot just sit here and cry.
Office of Children Service’s
The Office of Children Service’s put me in a position where I have to deal with people that forced me to kill an unborn baby. They were very much aware of the fact that Carol and Marco were my abusers. And that I will forever believe they have been abusing my daughter her entire life.
My daughter GG and I have had a rocky relationship. Marco and Carol’s family painted me as the bad guy, someone that just ditched her and couldn’t care less about her. As she got older it was harder to keep her away.
Not asking you to take my word as gospel
Again as I’ve said before I am not asking you to take everything I say as the gospel. I want you to do your research and I will provide information. Alaska Cares is a child abuse response evaluation service for the state of Alaska. My daughter has a history going back as far as 2003. I could go on, but I will not. I’m just trying to share with you one instance.
At the end of the day, my daughter’s family is a criminal enterprise known for trafficking and other nefarious behaviors. Her father and grandmother obtained custody of her and kept her as an asset to his family and to use her as such.
My daughter has been a product of her environment. I have fought for my girl her entire life.
In conclusion for now
The State of Alaska dropped the ball with my daughter. I am sorry but they did. My daughter is getting arrested and has several open investigations for shootings.