Mother marries the father of my child just to take all away. COVERT NARCISSIST
I was evicted from my mother’s parents condo.
We father and I were investing for the future of our daughter. Somehow my mother could not handle losing me. So messed up. She my mother-grandmother took away my future my entire life. Yet to be called crazy. No.
I have morals and I broke the cycle I thought. I won custody in May 19
Through this horrific nightmare of courts, paid attorneys, gals, n judges.
I beat 3 unfounded cases from state of Illinois on paper. I can’t get anything back.
I wrote 2 times after my cases. 2nd and 3rd As the investigator informed me my mother and grandmother were calling every day to take my child away. Saying I was on drugs, crazy, abusive men.
Yet I have a order of protection. I can’t make a police report as I knew. I had no choice to wait until I had enough evidence of my mother and her father’s abuse. I didn’t know I had a step father. Lied to as I asked 2019 Lawyers after this laughing as this guy recovered not even child support.
I got a place with my SSI as I planned very carefully. Yet it’s gone as of right now.
I go back to court on July 10th as I guarantee I will have no rights. Now in their custody my daughter is coming with bruises on her hips.
Only to torture me more than what a normal person can handle. So I sat back and took pictures. Not wanting to after the er nurse talked to the jpd officer byrne#312. He has already given 2 false police reports.
Ok Now this is my daughter and her rights as a female. She’s 3. Say no more
The crooked system set me up for a contempt after 2 long years.
No child support Paid attorneys. No questions answered. DCFS will not return a open investigation
Nothing to the mother
Yet on June 14th another police whatever and DCFS in my house. 2nd willing time to take pictures with no result???
One can only imagine actually I was her daughter. She made me miserable by 2nd grade. Emotionally, physically, sexually, and mentally.
Yet I have proof. Not enough money to keep my daughter safe. Her lawyer gal Miss Parker Ross. Well that’s untrue. Not a nice thing to say about a 3 year old. That was to her physical therapist in court as I was told to emergency motion.
There is evidence at the jpd office.
I can’t get after I signed with full custody???
Does this seem right